Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Vegan Soap and Skincare

Sometime ago I talked about switching from our old shampoo (made with goat's milk for some unfathomable reason) to vegan soap made from mint. I do not regret that decision as my hair did not show a difference, I was living up to vegan ideals, and my hair actually smelled better.

Now, my friend has posted a contest giving away free vegan lip balm and skincare products. While I am not a big lip balm user, I am do use lotion, especially in the winter, when my skin can get so dry it cracks. So I am excited to try some of Daisycake's soaps from Daisycakes Soaps, LLC. I plan to try several of her lotions and get my wife a lip balm since she's the chapstick addict in the house.

More than anything I want to support somone who believes that veganism goes beyond the dinner table and I am starting to believe what goes ON my body is just as important as what goes in my body.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Five Weight Loss Secrets: Secret #1 "And" is Not Your Friend

This is the inaugral post in my new series Five Weight Loss Secrets. These are observations I have made throughout my attempts at losing weight. These tips work for vegans and non-vegans alike, though I can say with absolutely certainty being vegan will speed the weight loss and fitness process.

Secret #1: When Ordering Food, NEVER Say "And"

Here's the scenario: I would like the pita sandwich and to start off with, some red pepper hummus.

I would like the phad thai, no egg please and some spring rolls.

I think I will try the spaghetti marinara, no cheese, and some breadsticks.

Problem #1: Extra Calories and Fat

All of these orders should sound fairly common. Getting extra hummus with a pita is normal. What is a Chinese meal without an appetizer, right? Well, the problem is that each time you say "and" with an order you increasing your caloric intake by 100 or more calories and usually they're not nutrient-rich calories. Usually, what you get when you "and" is either fried or laden with empty, processd carbs.

In other words what comes after the "and" is not good for you.

Problem #2: American Restaurants Serve Too Much Food Anyway

Remember a serving of anything, be it fruit, veggies, hummus, etc. is roughly the size of a deck of playing cards. Next, time you go out, see how many decks of playing cards can fit on the platter you are served. I had Chinese last night and there were probably 6-8 decks on the plate they gave me.

Vegan or not. Fitness fan or not, that is Too Much Food. And it's only made worse by using the word "and."

The challenge for you is next time you go to your favorite restaurant: don't say "and." Order one thing and enjoy it. Then enjoy the fact that you took steps to lose weight.

In the next installment, we will talk about tips for reducing how much you eat. And I promise you won't be hungry.

Back after Posting Hiatus

So yeah, vegan fitness fans, I'm back.

Don't worry, I was vegan the entire time. I was also still into fitness, at least from a dietary side.

I was also extremely swamped with a multitude of projects, work issues, and generally exasperation. The good news is that I've been able to work out from home. Getting a set of dumb bells for the house was a fantastic decision and one that has allowed me to work out on my own terms. I think this has lead to me being fit overall and I think being vegan has really helped.

The scale says that my weight has fluctuated, and that's kind of depressing. I have found that when I don't work out at all, my weight will climb. When do any little bit of working out, though, it seems to drop off. I think this is an important tip.

Still, I have targeted Aug. 15 as sort of crunch time. I have some friends who are reading my vegan fitness blog and I really, really want to look better so to prove a point that being vegan does help.

I think that means I need to wean myself off fried foods.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bird Flu Found in Tyson Chickens

Normally I am not much of a hypochondriac, but stuff like this always scares me:

According to this article, the bird flu was found in Arkansas chickens.

I'm not very happy about this development considering that my son eats chicken if we go to a restaurant and I bet at least some of it comes from Tyson chickens. And frankly, I just don't want him to get the bird flu. Or any kind of flu for that matter.

I feel medium safe from any outbreaks of bird flu because of the vegan diet, but if I am at a restaurant, I hope they're preventing cross contamination.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Red Pepper Seitan

So in a continued effort to provide real vegan content instead of just talking about vegan, I present you with tonight's dinner.

This little scorcher of a dish has a ton o' spice, but it's also a good dish to serve to unsuspecting guests whose mouth you want to burn.'s called red pepper chicken because of the red bell pepper AND the red pepper flake. Most unsuspecting guests won't realize the heat floating around in the sauce...until it's too late.

Red Pepper Seitan
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 medium carrots, sliced into coins
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1/2 medium white onion, diced
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce + 2 tablespoons
  • 1 teaspon pepper
  • 1/2 tablespoon garlic
  • 2 tablespoons red pepper flake
  • 1 package of seitan cut into 1/2 inch pieces
  • 1/2 tablespoon corn starch
  1. Place a skillet over medium heat. When hot, add two tablespoons of olive oil.
  2. Add the carrots, red pepper, and onion and cook until the carrots begin to soften.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix all but two tablespoons of the soy sauce, the pepper, garlic, and red pepper flake.
  4. Add the soy sauce, spices, and seitan to the skillet and boil the seitan until it is soft.
  5. Mix the remaining the soy sauce and corn starch to form a slurry and add it to the skillet. Mix well.
  6. The sauce should begin to thicken. Once it is thickened, serve over rice noodles.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Angel and Devil on My Shoulder

When I weighed myself this morning, the scale dutifully reported that I had gained 5 pounds!! So much for there being no such thing as an overweight vegan.

Well... that's not exactly fair. I know that I am in a marathon, not a sprint. I can't say I'm very pleased by this turn of events, vegan or no. Still, without adversity, there's not success and if it were easy, everyone would be doing it.

Stupid scale... Maybe I should it. No animal products there.

Actually, I think it will be better for me in the long run that this happened. It has both driven home a valuable point and made me really look back on what happened last week.

Firstly, it's likely that I didn't lose six pounds last week and so I didn't put on five this week. At least not of anything but water.

Secondly, I will admit that I didn't have the kind of week I wanted. I didn't get much cardio at all which is, as I understand it, cardio is really what burns the fat. There is a limit to what strength training alone can do. As a corollary to this, since I did do a lot of weight trainining, some of the weight could be musicle.

Third, I didn't watch what I ate very carefully over the weekend. I ended up eating large portions of less than healthy stuff for several days with only my long run to show for it. This includes not only fried foods, but salt and alcohol which I need to get out of myself.

Most importantly, this morning's trip to the scale was a real eye opener and it has taught me that I definitely need to get back on track.

Friday, May 16, 2008


I really, really wanted to go jogging today, so I did. I jogged for an hour for all intents and purposes I did it non-stop.

Either the vegan thing is working, the diet is working or I need to move to warmer climates because I haven't felt this good in a while.

And it was on my bad day.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Feeling A Lot Better Today

I'm pretty tired, but I feel a lot better.

I was supposed to have dinner tonight with friend Heidi, who has been both vegan guide and animal-free cheerleader on my vegan journey, but I canceled because I felt pretty crummy this morning. In the process of canceling, she gave me this recipe for sunny milk which is ridiculously healthy and serves as a base for things which fight colds. She recommended ginger which is supposed to increase blood flow (a great thing for getting toxins out of the blood.)

Even better, she was nice enough to let me share the recipe.
  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup sunflower seeds
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup ice
  • 2 tablespoons agave nectar (vegetarians could use honey)
  • 1/8 teaspoon mineral salt
  1. Blend and serve

This recipe will save for three days refrigerated in a glass jar.

Again, this recipe is just a base. Add cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, even cayenne to kick up the flavor.

Sickness: 0 Me: 1

I felt pretty crappy all day yesterday and into today. I am sure this is largely due to lack of sleep and the fact both Tina and Ethan have been sick.

Oh, and the fact I've had to wake up at 6:30 the past two days when usually I get up at 8 (did I mention how nice it is to work 9-6?)

If fact, I strongly attribute the fact I have not gotten sick to this point to be a sign that there's something to this vegan healthy living stuff.

Anyway, traditionally sick time in the Perrin household has meant one thing: the world is the sick one's buffet. No expense is spared nursing the ensickened back to health. Which, before being vegan, meant hot and sour soup and fried wontons. Mmmm vitamins, empty calories, what more could I ask for.

Not this time. Largely because I have to answer to this blog, I made the vow not to break down and eat ice cream and fried foods. Yesterday I ate what I would have eaten any day since I started being vegan. (Though I did get some really spicy noodles that did wonders for opening my plugged nose...)

Today, I vow to do the same. 7 pounds in two weeks. That's my motto this time. And I am going to stick to it.


Even though I was sick, I still did an arm work out. I didn't do cardio because I didn't want to wear myself out.

I just felt it was important to stick to the plan.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Not Sure About Hemp Powder

A few posts ago, I talked about vegan protein pwoders and how I was currently using hemp powder.

I'm not so sure about hemp powder.

With the whey powder, I was used to adding a little water and making a sort of vile chocolate milk. The key was to only add enough water to fully dissolve the powder and then open throat and down it goes.

Hemp DOES NOT DISSOLVE IN WATER. It retains this sort texture sort of like ... well ... grass. Toasted, nutty tasting grass.

I am pretty sure it's good for me because there's I am not jonesing for protein (which was my major concern about doing vegan strength training) but I'm just not sure if it's worth it.

I think I am going to try soy protein next. My coworkers be damned.

Onion Rings: 1 Me: 0

At work today we carried on our tradition of welcoming new employees into the company by taking them to Jackstack, which for those of my readers outside of the Kansas City, is perhaps the finest BBQ restaurant in the world.

And even though I am vegan, I come from KC. I know a thing or three about what makes good BBQ.

The thing that makes Jackstack so great, though, is their veggies. They have seasonal veggies and veggie kabobs and bunches of delicious non-meat foods.

And they have onion rings. Which should be vegan right? Right??

Of course not...milk/cream and probably eggs form the binder on the stupid things, making them still delicious, though decidedly non-vegan.


Down 6 Pounds...

...Maybe more...

More later...

Monday, May 12, 2008


...Sorry I've fallen off the radar for the past few days. Life has a way of being busy.

For those keeping score at home, I exercised a mere four times last week. That's kind of shoddy, but hopefully I did my body good by walking around the Plaza with my son for an hour, maybe an hour and a half on Sunday. Frankly, chasing him around is a pretty intense cardio workout.

Friday night, was arm night. I got to try out my new weights. I'll blog more on them later, but they are both supersweet and a distraction at the same time.

Saturday was back and shoulders day and then I went for a nice jog. I jogged somewhere between a mile and a half and two miles. It was rainy out, so it was nice and cool, and I was running by Turkey Creek which was higher than normal and running fast...

All in all, it was a good time for exercise.

The food front, I did okay. On Saturday, I think I only ate twice and they weren't small meals. But I did develop a new sweet potato recipe that I'll share soon as well.

But for now...sleep.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Vegan Protein Powder

Part of strength training, no matter if its vegan or carnivorous, is getting enough protein so that the body has the building blocks to build muscle.

Normally, this is not that much of an issue. Studies are showing that most Americans are ingesting far more protein than needed to be healthy, even active. In fact, I'll try to find the link, but there's a study linking increased rates of kidney disease with high protein intake because so many Americans are making their kidneys work harder to pull all the loose protein out of the system.

Anyway...when you don't eat meat, eggs, milk, etc. protein is a bit harder to come by. Yes, foods like my beloved seitan is a good source of protein, but they are not a completely protein. I still need to eat legumes (i.e. beans) to get a full amount of protein. And frankly...if I eat too many beans I have unhappy coworkers. If you know what I mean.

Normally I take whey protein, being that it's complete and easier to digest than other animal-based proteins. Again, not really an option because of the whole milk thing.

So, I asked around at Whole Foods and the nice lady there said I should try Hemp Protein. I had never heard of it before, but the lady seemed to know what she was talking about. I asked specifically about soy protein, which is sold in stores next to the friendly whey in containers that looked very similiar.

I was told I could take it, but that it was harder to digest and might (can you guess what's coming...) make me gassy. Hemp Protein it is.


Something is going on in this here body of mine and I think it's a good thing.

I am hungry. Not ravishingly hungry or overpoweringly hungry, but like "Go grab a bag of Jelly Bellies" hungry. That hungry where I don't need to eat, but I used to. Perhaps there's something to this vegan fitness thing after all.

Vegan Fitness Exercise Report
Today was leg day. I did 4x20 on squats, leg extensions, and leg curls. I then finished up on the leg sled and did calves before doing some good ol' ab exercises.

By the end of the workout, my abs hurt and my quads hurt. That's a pretty good sign.

Sushi: 0 Me: 1

Finally...a success story.

I took Ethan to Shogun, our favorite sushi/teppanyaki place last night. In many ways Shogun is my Mt. Everest. My impossible goal. They have the best sushi in the world bar none, hands down. And I do so dearly love sushi.

Then again, it's not exactly vegan now is it.

So I ordered the teppanyaki vegetables with ... no butter! (Which is vegan as near as I can tell.) Either because we eat there all the time OR because the request is just a bit different, Andy, the owner/chef ended up cooking my food special. It was FANTATIC. Better even than if it had been cooked with butter and that's saying something. (Let's face it, butter tastes good, it's why it gets used so often.) So in this case +1 for being vegan instead of being vegetarian.

I will admit, the sushi menu looked awfully appealing and I was tempted to ask for a special set of rolls made without fish or cream cheese, but in the end I enjoyed my veggies and sriracha and the boy and I had a great time.

I'm not saying it wasn't hard to pass up the yum yum sauce (made with mayo) or eat my sons veggies (they were cooked in butter) but I know I would have to blog the next day about how I knowingly ate butter. And I couldn't give up on being vegan. Not by a long shot.

Vegan Fitness Report
So I did make it into the gym yesterday! Woo hoo!

At first, I felt like crap. But once I started lifting, I started to feel better.

Until I got on the elliptical and ran so hard I nearly threw up. I had to slow down for a second, but I still finished strong.

Yesterday was chest day (vegan chest day?). I did my usual 4 sets of 20 on the dumbell press, incline press, flies, and the press machine. Then finished with abs and the above mentioned cardio.

So far, I cannot tell much of a difference about being vegan vs. not being vegan when it comes to working out. I'll have to see as time progresses.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sloth: 1 Me: 0

So I haven't exercised in three days...that's not so great. I'm fairly disappointed in myself despite there being little I can do to control it. On days when I cannot lift, I am finding it very hard to balance class or Ethan and exercise.

That's more of an observation and something I am just going to have to work. Plus, my weights are coming soon, so that should be better.

On the plus side, I talked to Tina and she is going to let me have Friday off from moving so I can work out. That's three days in the gym...I'll need to find one more. This may mean I need to improvise a home strength training work out. I'll need to figure something out...

Cooking Classes

Class was tough last night. The lesson was on Mother Sauces, bechamel, volute, tomato, hollandaise. When I signed up for the series, this was the class I was most excited about.

And then I went vegan. And butter is pretty clearly verbotten in vegan cooking.

So are eggs. Also not vegan.

And so is cream. Nope, not vegan.

So I made a bunch of sauces. Everyone else said they were good.

Oh, and better yet, this week's homework: compound butters and buerre maine.

I'm pretty sure they're not vegan either. ;)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Cinco de Mayo: 1 Me: 0

I started off week 2 with rather more of a whimper than I had hoped.

I stepped on the scale: 356.7...exactly 1.1 pounds lighter than I was when I started. So I guess that's good...but at the same time...I was hoping for more.

I attribute my less than hoped for weight loss to several factors:
1. I am strength training. The last time I lost a lot of weight, the first few weeks I gained weight on the scale because I was building muscle.
2. Mediterrean Food. Because so much of it is vegan, I ate eating Mediterrean food a lot last week. Both a lot and frequently in fact.

Which really brings me to point #3:
Portion Control. I am going to prove that no matter how I limit my dietary choices, I can still stay heavy if I don't control how much I eat. And that's kind of a sad fact, but if there's a way to eat unhealthy, I seem to be able to spot it.

So what I've decided is that each week I'll focus on one goal. Last week I focused on just being vegetarian. This week I am going to focus on sticking to a reasonable portion with one day where I eat as I please. Unfortunately...that day was today. Yay Cinco de Mayo! Yay vegetarian fajitas with no cheese or sour cream. Hooray vegan liquor.

Boo portion control tomorrow...

Exercise Report

Um...yeah... So at 10:45 my wife called me and asked me to come home and sort through some stuff at the old house so she could keep moving.

I had no choice. Then I had class. exercise for me today. *Big sigh*

Fortunately, I got my shipment confirmation and my dumbbells are heading this way. Then I can exercise whenever I want.

Except after drinking vegan liquor.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

First Vegan Weekend--Day 2

It was an up and down day. Went to a "vegan friendly" restaurant listed on a Kansas City vegan website... Was looked at like I was from Plant Freakizoid when I asked for vegan food.

I improvised. Then I got some real food.

More later...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

First Vegan Weekend--Day 1

Why I decided to be vegan on the same weekend I moved I'll never know. Still, the move is over(ish). All the furniture that is coming is here and so is most of crap.

I feel pretty good. Well, I feel exhausted, but I think that is to be expected.

All in all, this going vegan thing has been pretty easy, though I know that I owe a debt to the vegans who have come before me. If they had not created the demand for vegan products in the stores and in restaurants, I might very well have found this task impossible.

The one, I would say major slip up I had was vegan ice cream. I found this banana-fudge ice cream that is hands down the best ice cream I ever had. Despite my attempts to only have one ice cream per week...I could not resit.

Vegan Exercise Report
Why I decided to start strength training the same week I was going to move I'll never know.

So for exercise today...I moved. Isn't that enough??? :)

Tomorrow, I hope to get in a good jog. We have a trail here that runs by Turkey Creek. I think I am going to put the boy into the jog stroller and go sight seeing.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Day 5 Recap

Tonight, we had dinner at Aladdin's Cafe, a Mediterrean restaurant that has a good grasp on what is vegan and how to modify dishes to be vegan.

We ate family style with three entrees between us (our friend joined us.) We have a cauliflower dish that was okay, a rice/lentil dish that was pretty good, but the star of the show was the falafel (yes, it's fried, I only had 1/2 of a piece.) It was the best falafel I've ever had bar none, hand's down. The Baba ghanoush was also suprisingly good.

The dolmas were good, but a bit minty. The hummus was excellent.

And it was all vegan.

The odd thing was that both Indian food and Mediterrean food use a lot of olive oil. However, after eating tonight I didn't feel sick after eating the food. Either I had too much fried food at Rucci or there's something about the fact that the olive oil is drizzled on the food rather than heated. I am not sure. Either way, my stomach does not feel like it is trying to crawl out of my body right now.

I consider that a good thing.

Exercise Report
Today was arm day and I actually made it down there. I was really pleased with myself.

When it comes to strength training, I think I hate arms the most, mainly because my arms are so weak. Compared to my legs and chest and back, my arms are puny. Even when I was benching 250 and deadlifting and squatting well north of 425, I was curling maybe 95 pounds.

Still I try to use that as motivation.

I've also decided to work my obliques more, which I started today.

Guess what...I'm sore!

Vegan Booze

The words:

I Am Not Hungry

Yes...this comes as a huge surprise to me as well.

I've done some research into weight loss and everyone says eat smaller meals so I decided I would go with the 6 meals per day plan. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner with snacks in between.

On Monday, 6 was about 20 too few. Tuesday, the 2 hour intervals could not come fast enough. Wednesday was Indian food day and I felt good.

Yesterday and today...nothing. I've had to remind myself to eat.

I think this is a good thing, especially if I don't gorge tonight at dinner. (We're trying Aladdin Cafe, which is very veg friendly.)

I don't know, if any weight loss gurus are reading this, tell me. Should I eat when I'm not hungry? Probably so I don't eat too much when I do, right?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Indian Food: 100 Me: 0

Last night Tina and I went to dinner at Rucci, our favorite Indian place.

I had always suspected that Indian food could veganize rather easily, then I saw this link.

In it, the site says that Rucci has the largest vegan menu in the city. I was hooked.

The only problem, and it's one that I cannot seem to get around, is that even when vegan, Indian food is NOT healthy. The samosans are fried. The fried veggies...fried (shocker, I know.) But even the food, though not cooked in ghee or coconut oil (a.k.a. vegetarian ghee), is heavy and greasy.

I could barely enjoy my meal. I just felt heavy. My stomach was upset and my feet hurt. I don't know why they hurt, I fear it's a condition, but being an American male, I refuse to go to the doctor. I do know that when I don't eat like crap, they don't hurt.

I exercised today. That's two days in a row. As long as I hit the gym tomorrow, I am going to count moving on Saturday as a day of lifting exercise. That will be four days of weight training with Monday spent cardio for a total of five.

Week 1...Mission Accomplished.

Cheerleader? Sure. Zealot? No.

My buddy Ryan IMed me yesterday and we got to talking about being vegan. Like everyone I have told about going veganism, he was a little surprised that I would take the plunge as it were.

And then he said it. The undercurrent that has gone unspoken between several of my firends and spoken with several others. Basically, he was concerned that I was going to become one of those vegans. The in-your-face, meat-is-murder, die-and-go-to-Hell-sinner type. To be honest, I wasn't ready to deal with this question due in no small part because I had to deal with when I became a vegetarian. I thought it was behind me.

It is important for me to say that I will NEVER condemn someone for eating meat. It is just not in my make up to go on the offensive like that. However, I do strongly believe that eating commerically farmed meat fully of antibotics and crap is the probably the worst dietary choice short of the Doritos and Pepsi plan. This has led me to want to hold dialogues, cook, and basically do the whole more-flies-with-honey-than-bugspray thing and not even towards the goal of ending the consumption of meat. I just want people to eat better.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Shampoo: 1 Me: 0

Okay, so I never thought I'd lose a battle with shampoo as I try to be vegan, but sure enough... My wife called me on the phone to discuss our plans for the evening when she said "Oh, by the way, our shampoo has milk in it."


Milk...shampoo... Does not compute. It never occured to me that this might be an issue. So we went to Whole Foods and I got organic shampoo that is free of animal products.

I also addressed another issue in my dietary regime: caffeine. Unbeknowst to me (and really because I didn't look) the tea I have been brewing each day is caffeinated. While I do not think that caffeine is not vegan, I have been told by countless individuals that I need to cut out caffeine. That it is all kinds of crazy evil. While I find myself particularly indebted to caffeine for my college diploma, I have decided I need to kick the habit. So I also purchased some Tazo teas, all of which were clearly labeled "Decaffineated."

I figure if I am giving up all animal products, I should give up caffeine, too.

By tomorrow afternoon, I should be needing a Starbucks. I love giving things up cold turkey.

Weight Room: 0 Me: 1
That's right, I finally got into the gym. First time this week. I did a standard chest routine: dumbbell press, incline press, flies, and horizontal chest press. All four sets of twenty. I am feeling pretty good on that front. Despite not having worked out in a month, I had not lost much strength. I can attribute that to my greater attempts at ingesting protein.

I'll know tomorrow just how sore I am.

Jogging: 1 Me: 0
So instead of hopping on the elliptical after lifting, I decided to do a 20 minute jog. It turned into about a 10 minute jog and a lot of exhausted walking.

Not good...

As near as I can figure, there's two things going on.

#1 Last night's moving did more to work me out than I thought.
#2 I'm not exactly in shape (or at least in the shape of a rectangle that I'm shooting for.)

Fried Foods: 1 Me: 0

Being vegan was a little easier yesterday, due in no small part to a trip to Blue Koi, a restaurant with several vegan menu items on it.

I've been calorie crashing a lot over the past two days, which I attribute to the reduce amount of food I have been eating and not to being vegan.

There was one small problem. My wife ordered crispy tofu in spicy awesome sauce...and I had some. And 1 french fry. I've been thinking about the friend foods restriction and I wasn't so high on them anyway... but yet this is an attempt to get healtheir. So I need to limit fried foods to once per week.

To make up for this rules modification, I am going to limit my jelly belly intake to once per week, too. I need to give those things up. They are just empty calories. Delicious, empty calories.

Really delicious empty calories.

Excerise log:
Yesterday was not a good day for me and exercise. I wanted to retrace my walking route since I had a letter to mail, but no one here has any envelopes. So I got in my car to go grab some, figuring I could buy them and still do a mini walk. And I had a flat tire.

So at that point my only option was the gym, which I decided to pass on because my cousin came over to help me move furniture to our new house and I did not want to several fatigued muscles and then have to move my armoire which is heavier than a black hole. I probably should have gone on the treadmill for 30 minutes, though.

So even though I did move heavy objects, I am not going to call that exercise.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 1 Recap: Honey: 1 Me: 0

So I've had worse first days on diets before...

All in all, my first day as a vegan was not so rough.

I didn't really feel hungry until about 5:00. On the recommendations of a lot of the fitness and dieting sites and magazines I've read, I am trying to take the 6 small meals approach to dieting. However, I had to interview a chef at 4:30 for a magazine article I am writing and was out the door at 4 having forgotten to grab my planned 4:00 meal.

So by 5:00, I was hungry. By 6:00, I was calorie crashing.

I was saved by the graces of my cooking class instructor. Chef McPeake has been the most understanding food professional about my choice to not eat meat. Since last night's class was on dry cooking, I was given a giant basket of vegetables and I was either given (or I just took) free reign of the culinary school's kitchen.

My menu: warm potato salad with olive oil, champagne vinegar, scallions, red onions, and capers, grilled zucchini and cucumber, asparagus with lemon and sambal, and grilled applies with a honey balsamic reduction.

Yep, there it is. I had already made the reduction and tasted it before I realized it was verbotten. *sigh* On the plus side, I did remember that I should not make a compound butter to go atop the mushrooms I nearly roasted in the oven.

So, all I can do is do better today.

Exercisewise, I had to take a walk. I didnt have my sneakers and the gym gets a little grumpy when people work out in dress shoes. So instead I walked for about half an hour. It was nice to get out and I did get my heart rate up.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Morning Day 1

I wanted to write an introductory post about getting things started earlier than today, but I barely got to the grocery store in time. I could not have chosen a more hectic time in my life to completely reinvent myself, but in some ways I think that's okay. I know I won't have a lot of time to sit around and do bordem eating and I like the challenge...

I am extremely scared of being vegan and I don't know why. I just know that while walking around Whole Foods yesterday, I wanted to be anywhere but there.

I think part of it was walking through the store and seeing how much I cannot eat... it's a bit daunting. However, I hope to use a lot of the intervening weeks to work on my vegan cookbook since, well, I have to eat vegan for the next 90 days anyway.

This is a big change for me, and for now it seems pretty insurmountable. Though I feel like it will be harder for me to keep up the exercise regimine than change my diet, but part of the reason I wanted to be vegan was to show one could do strength training and still be vegan.

In some ways, I am a little ashamed of how I started off this challenge. Instead of getting a ton of fresh fruit and vegetables at the store (I did get some), I bought granola and faux meats. My goal for myself is to gradually transition away from those staples and eat a diet that is more composed of raw and unprocessed foods. Stay tuned...

About Me and the Challenge

So I have been vegetarian for a little more than a year now. At first I started being one of those vegetarians that still eats fish (I know...I know...) which was probably necessary because at the time I didn't think I could live without fish and it gave me something familiar I could eat as I was figuring out what my non-meat options were.

Then, for all intents and purposes, I kicked the fish habit and have been living vegetarian ever since.

But it is not enough. I got into begin vegetarian because it was a healthy lifestyle, but I want more. So I have challenged myself to spend 90 days as a vegan to see how it affects my health and weight. I'll be tracking my progress here on this blog and share my inner thoughts, my recipes, and my fears as I attempt to do this.

I also have decided to make a few other changes in my life during this time as well. As I control what I eat, I will also be doing the following:

  • Working out at least 5 times per week
  • Not eating fried foods
  • Really monitoring my portions and controlling how much I eat
  • Eliminiating non-essential spending (This one is a bit off topic, but its important to me to put it out there so that I do it.)

So this becomes an challenge about remaking who I am through diet, exercise, and impulse control. I'll discuss them all throughout the next 90 days.

Lastly, I wanted to post the rules for what being vegan means to me:

  • No meat or eggs
  • No cheese or milk or other dairy products
  • No honey
  • Conditionally, no sugar. Basically I plan to avoid sugar whenever possible unless I know for sure it has not been processed using animal products.
  • No gelatin
  • Vegan is determined by the ingredient list, not the processing plant. I have started reading labels and if the product list does not have animal products in it, I am less concerned about the fact that the plant also might make diary or animal products.

Are there any rules I am forgetting? goes nothing.