Monday, May 12, 2008


...Sorry I've fallen off the radar for the past few days. Life has a way of being busy.

For those keeping score at home, I exercised a mere four times last week. That's kind of shoddy, but hopefully I did my body good by walking around the Plaza with my son for an hour, maybe an hour and a half on Sunday. Frankly, chasing him around is a pretty intense cardio workout.

Friday night, was arm night. I got to try out my new weights. I'll blog more on them later, but they are both supersweet and a distraction at the same time.

Saturday was back and shoulders day and then I went for a nice jog. I jogged somewhere between a mile and a half and two miles. It was rainy out, so it was nice and cool, and I was running by Turkey Creek which was higher than normal and running fast...

All in all, it was a good time for exercise.

The food front, I did okay. On Saturday, I think I only ate twice and they weren't small meals. But I did develop a new sweet potato recipe that I'll share soon as well.

But for now...sleep.

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