Thursday, May 1, 2008

Cheerleader? Sure. Zealot? No.

My buddy Ryan IMed me yesterday and we got to talking about being vegan. Like everyone I have told about going veganism, he was a little surprised that I would take the plunge as it were.

And then he said it. The undercurrent that has gone unspoken between several of my firends and spoken with several others. Basically, he was concerned that I was going to become one of those vegans. The in-your-face, meat-is-murder, die-and-go-to-Hell-sinner type. To be honest, I wasn't ready to deal with this question due in no small part because I had to deal with when I became a vegetarian. I thought it was behind me.

It is important for me to say that I will NEVER condemn someone for eating meat. It is just not in my make up to go on the offensive like that. However, I do strongly believe that eating commerically farmed meat fully of antibotics and crap is the probably the worst dietary choice short of the Doritos and Pepsi plan. This has led me to want to hold dialogues, cook, and basically do the whole more-flies-with-honey-than-bugspray thing and not even towards the goal of ending the consumption of meat. I just want people to eat better.

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