Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Five Weight Loss Secrets: Secret #1 "And" is Not Your Friend

This is the inaugral post in my new series Five Weight Loss Secrets. These are observations I have made throughout my attempts at losing weight. These tips work for vegans and non-vegans alike, though I can say with absolutely certainty being vegan will speed the weight loss and fitness process.

Secret #1: When Ordering Food, NEVER Say "And"

Here's the scenario: I would like the pita sandwich and to start off with, some red pepper hummus.

I would like the phad thai, no egg please and some spring rolls.

I think I will try the spaghetti marinara, no cheese, and some breadsticks.

Problem #1: Extra Calories and Fat

All of these orders should sound fairly common. Getting extra hummus with a pita is normal. What is a Chinese meal without an appetizer, right? Well, the problem is that each time you say "and" with an order you increasing your caloric intake by 100 or more calories and usually they're not nutrient-rich calories. Usually, what you get when you "and" is either fried or laden with empty, processd carbs.

In other words what comes after the "and" is not good for you.

Problem #2: American Restaurants Serve Too Much Food Anyway

Remember a serving of anything, be it fruit, veggies, hummus, etc. is roughly the size of a deck of playing cards. Next, time you go out, see how many decks of playing cards can fit on the platter you are served. I had Chinese last night and there were probably 6-8 decks on the plate they gave me.

Vegan or not. Fitness fan or not, that is Too Much Food. And it's only made worse by using the word "and."

The challenge for you is next time you go to your favorite restaurant: don't say "and." Order one thing and enjoy it. Then enjoy the fact that you took steps to lose weight.

In the next installment, we will talk about tips for reducing how much you eat. And I promise you won't be hungry.

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